e-shape solutions Workshop | Earth Observation for biodiversity and water management

Start date
End date
Netherlands Space Office (NSO), Center Court building Princess Beatrixlaan 2 2595 AL, The Hague

e-shapeEurisy, e-shape and the Netherlands Space Office (NSO) would like to invite you to attend the e-shape solutions workshop 'Earth Observation for biodiversity and water management' at NSO in The Hague on Tuesday 14 February and Wednesday 15 February.

The workshop is an e-shape labeled event and will present some of the project’s pilots related to biodiversity and water management.

The first day of the workshop will set the stage by introducing the audience to European and national policies related to biodiversiy protection and restoration as well as water management. Experts from European and National institutions will present relevant funding opportunities.

The second day will be entirely dedicated to the presentation of e-shape pilot projects, coupled with presentations from local actors.

The Q&A sessions will engage speakers and audience in a discussion about the usability of the pilots services presented and their relevance for the needs of public administrations and private companies in the Netherlands.

You can find more details about the workshop on the  Eurisy website

For whom?
This event is for government policy officers, users and researchers.

Netherlands Space Office (NSO)
Center Court building
Princess Beatrixlaan 2
2595 AL The Hague

To register
Sign up immediately by filling in  this form

We look forward to seeing you on February 14 in The Hague!